Circle M Tsuka-maki (Hilt wrapping) and Japanese Swords

David McDonald
P.O. Box 265
Sidney MT 59270
406-482-3243 evening - mountain time

1. Care and handling--Information on the normal care and handling of a Japanese sword.

2. Tsuka-maki -- Information on wrapping tsuka (hilts) of Japanese swords.
This article explains the process I follow in wrapping a tsuka (hilt).

3. Translations-- How to make oshigata (rubbings) and send them to me.
I translate Japanese signatures on swords and fittings.

4. Tsuka-- Images of tsuka-maki and wood cores.

5. Restorations-- Repair and refitting of a Japanese sword and fittings

6. Sell/Buy/Brokeringof Japanese swords-- I have swords and fittings for sale. I am willing to buy your swords and fittings or broker them for you.

7. Images to view -- Page 1 Images of Japanese swords and fittings.
Images to view -- Page 2 of Images of Japanese swords and fittings.

8. How to ... -- Projects for the Japanese Swords

9. Terms -- A listing of Japanese Sword terms

10. Addresses -- A list of links and addresses

11. Tsuka-maki class -- Tsuka-maki class - Sunday June 17, 2007 - The last day of "The Arts and Arms of the Samurai" AT the Holiday Inn in Minneapolis, Minnesota

12. Home page -- Back to my home page

JJSA Award
A award given by The Journal of Japanese Sword Arts a monthly newsletter.
The Journal contains news, reviews, announcements, and in depth articles concerning all aspects of the Japanese sword.

Last update November 2023

A list of links and how to contact me by email at

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Last modified on November 2023
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